Co-hosts Miranda and Laura tell their stories and provide fact-based advice about stigmatised issues young people face. They hope to be two older sisters to chat to with no judgement or expectations.


Miranda Johnson-Jones


Miranda is 21 and living in Brunswick, Victoria. She works as a tournament and program coordinator for Tennis Australia at the National Tennis Centre.

In 2020 alone, Miranda was named the Macedon Ranges Young Citizen of the Year and has been working passionately on a number of community projects. She co-wrote and produced It’s Time to Talk - an educational resource for young people about consent and sexual assault, and has spoken to a number of journalists about the Morrison government’s infamous milkshake video targeting consent.

In recent years she has worked for a senior state political minister, been a part of community advisory boards, headed student leadership teams as school captain, and promoted inclusivity in her sporting community. Her dream is to either watch Growing Up Clueless grow into podcast and media business she can direct, or work to improve the lives or marginalised youth in sport.


Laura Crozier


Laura is 21 and lives in Geelong. She is currently working as the Affirmative Consent Project Officer working for the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria (YACVic).

She is extremely passionate about advocating for mental health awareness and improving access to sexual healthcare and education. Her new role gets to see her educating young people in rural communities to understand affirmative consent and feel empowered to talk about and access sexual healthcare.

Drawing from her own lived experience as a victim-survivor of sexual assault, Laura is a passionate advocate for empowering and educating other young people on their sexual health and rights. Through her platform as co-host of the podcast Growing Up Clueless as well as her role at YACVic, Laura works to inspire others to embrace their voices, challenge societal taboos, and foster a safe space for open dialogue in a way that mainstream education didn't do for her. 

In an ideal world, she would love to see consent being taught in schools at all levels so that young people can learn how to create and maintain healthy relationships.

It’s Time to Talk

The creators of Growing Up Clueless have worked on a number of community projects in the lead up to this podcast. In 2019, Miranda and Laura worked with a number of young people to create an educational resource for young people about consent and sexual assault.

They presented this video at the Youth Affairs Council Victoria Sector Conference in June 2021. They received funding from the Department of Education to implement the resource state-wide into the ‘Respectful Relationships’ secondary curriculum.

To sit alongside this film is a teaching guide for schools that further educates young people about consent and navigating sexual experiences respectfully. Laura and Miranda plan to deliver this lesson to two local schools in late 2021 after being trained in peer-facilitation.

Listen to Miranda and Laura speak about the project on the In This Together podcast.

CONTENT WARNING: Conversations of sexual assault & rape.


Growing Up Clueless would simply not be possible without the kind support from our two major sponsors - Kyneton Community House and Zonta Club of Kyneton.

These organisations believed in our vision and are helping us to create a product for our audience that we can all be proud of.